Hagrid's first day with Harry - Part 2

Passersby stared a lot at Hagrid as they walked through the little town to the station. Hagrid knew he was twice as tall as any muggle and they would always at least glance his way. That did not bother him at all, he was entirely preoccupied with other things. It did not seem to matter that he had been here before for the oddities he ended up surrounded by in the muggle world made him both fascinated and curious. Always something new he couldn’t take his eyes off.
“See that, Harry? Things these Muggles dream up, eh?” as he looked around and pointed.

“Hagrid,” said Harry, as he tried to catch up with him “did you say there are dragons at Gringotts?”

‘Well, so they say,’ said Hagrid. ‘Crikey, I’d like a dragon.’

“You’d like one?”

“Wanted one ever since I was a kid – here we go.”

They had reached the station. There was a train to London in five minutes time. Hagrid was searching his pockets for “Muggle money”, as he called it. He  a bunch up and gave them a brief glance before he decided to give them to Harry as he did not understand them. Odd kinda money, Hagrid thought to himself. People were staring more than ever at him on the train. He took up two seats, which he thought were ridiculously small, and began knitting a yellow hat.

“Still got yer letter, Harry?”  Hagrid asked a little vacantly, he was too busy counting the number of stitches in his head.

He saw that Harry took the parchment envelope out of his pocket.

“Good,” said Hagrid. “There’s a list there of everything yeh need.”

He looked at Harry who was reading the letter and he started to think of when he first was going to Hogwarts. A lot had changed over the years, the items on his list from when he was eleven were vastly different to the items on Harry’s list.

“Can we buy all this in London?” Harry asked.

“If yeh know where to go,” said Hagrid.

Hagrid started walking quite quickly as they got off the train, he knew where to go. When getting to the barriers on the underground he was too big to pass through and go jammed, that was the last straw, he had held his thoughts in for far too long.

“I don’t understan’ why muggles have ter make everythin’ so small!” exclaimed Hagrid “ And why are their trains so slow!”

Harry watched Hagrid struggle to get free, Hagrid could feel that all eyes were once again on him.

Hagrid could see a broken escalator and couldn’t help but complain once more, he was desperate for magic and for Diagon Alley. “I don’t know how the Muggles manage without magic,” Hagrid said, as they climbed the broken-down escalator which led up to a bustling road lined with shops.

As they walked down the road, everyone moved for Hagrid, London crowds were not an issue for him but he could once again feel that all eyes were upon him. As they walked passed funny looking shops such as music stores, hamburger restaurants. The thought crossed Hagrids mind as to why there were so many coffee shops, they kept walking past cinemas and other oddities. He couldn’t wait to get back to the magic world, he was dying to use magic again. Just the thought of not being able to use magic at all was horrifying enough, but to be a muggle and not be able to do any magic whatsoever? - that was truly a horrifying thought. Hagrid was always grateful and very appreciative that he was born a wizard.

After walking for some time Hagrid stopped and said “This is it, the Leaky Cauldron. It’s a famous place.”

Harry looked confused, but Hagrid just took a step through the door, steering Harry in front of him. Hagrid adored the Leaky Cauldron, for him it was the first sign of civilised life after coming in from the magic free streets of London. The low buzz of chatter stopped when they had walked in. Everyone waved and smiled at him, and the barman reached for a glass asking,

“The usual, Hagrid?”

And as much as Hagrid would have wanted that pint, he was on a mission. A mission to get Harry prepared for Hogwarts.

“Can’t, Tom, I’m on Hogwarts business,” Hagrid responded as he clapped his hand on Harry’s shoulder.

“Good Lord,” said the bartender, peering at Harry, “is this – can this be -?”

The leaky Cauldron had suddenly gone completely still and silent. As everyone realized that Harry Potter was with Hagrid in the Leaky Cauldron. Hagrid felt proud. He watched everyone greeting Harry, both with joy and with some sort of nervousness in their voices.

In the sea of faces Hagrid recognised a familiar face, “Doris Crockford!.” he exclaimed and greeted here warmly.

“How are yer?” Hagrid asked.

“Hagrid! I am just fine dear, what brings you here?” she replied

“Official Hogwarts business Doris, i’m with Young Mr Potter here.” he said pointing Harry out who was now surrounded with people.

“Oh my!”said Doris, turning completely white.

“Must be gettin’ on now Doris, lots ter do today and so little time.”

“Give my best to young Mr Potter will you?”

Hagrid nodded and turned to fetch Harry from the crowd surrounding him.

Professor Quirrell came towards them and Hagrid introduced him to Harry ‘Professor Quirrell! Harry, Professor Quirrell will be one of your teachers at Hogwarts.” Hagrid let them speak to one another shortly before pulling at Harry’s arm.

“Must get on – lots ter buy. Come on, Harry.”
As they turned to leave the Leaky Cauldron and towards Diagon Ally, Doris Crockford pushed her way through the crowd just to shake Harry’s hand. She shook his hand three times before letting go.

“Tha’ is enough now Doris, me an’ Harry have a lot ter get on with.” Said Hagrid as he rescued Harry from the mob.
As someone else tried to get a hold of Harry, Hagrid led them both out the bar and just grinned at Harry.

“Told yeh, didn’t I? Told yeh you was famous. Even Professor Quirrell was tremblin’ ter meet yeh – mind you, he’s usually trembling.”

“Is he always that nervous?” Harry asked.
“Oh, yeah. Poor bloke. Brilliant mind. He was fine while he was studyin’ outta books but then he took a year off ter get some firsthand experience… They say he met vampires in the Black Forest and there was a nasty bit o’ trouble with a hag – never been the same since. Scared of the students, scared of his own subject – now, where’s me umbrella?”

Hagrid was searching his inner pockets of his coat for his umbrella and tried to remember where exactly he had to tap on the wall.

“Three up.. two across..” he muttered. “Right, stand back Harry.” He said.

Hagrid was curious of how Harry would react when he tapped the wall three times with the point of the umbrella. As the brick he had touched quivered – it wriggled – in the middle – a second later they were facing Diagon Alley. Hagrid kept looking at Harry, he looked amazed.


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